We partnered with HT-RADAR for our research needs. HT-RADAR is a collaborative research environment for San Diego data analysts, researchers, and other stakeholders who have skills and interests related to human trafficking related research.

HT-RADAR was formally launched by the Center for Justice & Reconciliation (CJR) at Point Loma Nazarene University in partnership with the County of San Diego and is now a professional network with the following practices:
- Aggregating regional human trafficking related research
- Convening and facilitating collaboration between human trafficking data analysts and researchers working in the region
- Facilitating the networking between practitioners, data analysts, and researchers
- Identifying potential human trafficking research funding for researchers studying human trafficking in the region
- Improving public knowledge of the results of research related to human trafficking across multiple disciplines and sectors through regular
- research updates
- an annual research conference every February
If you’d like to collaborate with a stakeholder concerning a research project or need, please complete the “Have a Research Need?” form or contact them!